Within 24 hours of receiving her second Pfizer injection in January of 2021, Maddie was hospitalized with concerning symptoms. Her spine radiated with pain, her fingertips and toes were ice cold and white, and she exclaimed to her mom that her “heart felt like it was going to come up through her neck.”
#7 No me interesan esas historias de medios periodísticos. Quien se crea afectado por la vacuna del Covid que se lo cuente a un juez, como hacen todos los que creen que han sido gravemente afectados por efectos secundarios de otros tratamientos médicos.
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Pues sus familiares tienen los tribunales para mostrar pruebas de sus afirmaciones, como todo el mundo.
A no ser que sean mujeres maltratadas, que entonces hay que creerlas siempre y las pruebas sobran ¿verdad?
Within 24 hours of receiving her second Pfizer injection in January of 2021, Maddie was hospitalized with concerning symptoms. Her spine radiated with pain, her fingertips and toes were ice cold and white, and she exclaimed to her mom that her “heart felt like it was going to come up through her neck.”