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Brexit: Supreme court hears claim Boris Johnson abused prorogation more than any PM for 50 years – as it happened

This article is more than 4 years old
Tue 17 Sep 2019 14.13 EDTFirst published on Tue 17 Sep 2019 04.11 EDT
Anti-Brexit demonstrators protest outside the supreme court as the legal challenge to prorogation of parliament is heard.
Anti-Brexit demonstrators protest outside the supreme court as the legal challenge to prorogation of parliament is heard. Photograph: Wiktor Szymanowicz/REX/Shutterstock
Anti-Brexit demonstrators protest outside the supreme court as the legal challenge to prorogation of parliament is heard. Photograph: Wiktor Szymanowicz/REX/Shutterstock

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That’s it from us this evening, so here’s a summary of the day’s events.

  • The big story was in the supreme court. Here’s a comprehensive summary of those proceedings.
  • Ruth Davidson, the former Scottish Conservative leader, has said she does not know whether or not Boris Johnson really believes in Brexit. She said: “I don’t know what’s in [Johnson’s] heart. I don’t know whether he desperately believes in Brexit or he doesn’t believe in Brexit and I’m not going to pretend that I do. But I think people can tell if politicians are basically telling the truth or not and if they can tell if they mean what they say.
  • The prime minister and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, discussed Saudi Arabia, Iran and Brexit in talks this morning. No 10 said they discussed efforts to find a new Brexit deal.

And, if you’d like to read more, my colleague Owen Bowcott has the full story:

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Here are some more details on those comments from Ireland’s deputy prime minister, Simon Coveney, who has said the EU is yet to see any written UK proposals for a new Brexit deal.

There is an obligation on the party looking for change to come up with solutions that can deal with the consequences of what they are asking for. If that question can’t be answered, we will not have a deal.

If the current position from the UK side is that the backstop needs to be removed then it is a perfectly reasonable request by us to say that creates huge problems and how are you going to solve it and what are you going to replace it with?

Asked when the public would be informed of where and when checks on the border would take place, he said:

First of all, we won’t sign up to any agreement that requires checks with the UK in terms of a permanent trading relationship linked to Brexit.

Coveney said any checks would be a “temporary, emergency measure” to protect Ireland’s place in the single market. He added he would have clarity on the location of the checks before Britain leaves the EU on 31 October.

The response to a no-deal Brexit will be checks somewhere. I don’t think they will be near the border.

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Lisa O'Carroll
Lisa O'Carroll

Simon Coveney, Ireland’s deputy prime minister, had frank discussions with the Northern Ireland secretary, Julian Smith, outlining the consequences of dropping the backstop over dinner last night.

After addressing the cabinet in Dublin again today on Brexit planning, Coveney told reporters:

The risk of a no-deal Brexit remains significant as the political situation in London continues to be very uncertain.

We and the EU, as underlined by Michel Barnier when I spoke to him yesterday and President Juncker after his meeting with Prime Minister Johnson, are open to a deal. But it must achieve the aims of the backstop through a legally operable solution. We await written proposals from the UK side. We haven’t seen any written proposals to date.

He said that if the UK wanted the backstop dropped, it was reasonable that Ireland would spell out the problems with that, especially as it took more than two years of talks to reach that original deal.

Just because Boris Johnson says the backstop needs to go does not mean everybody else will respond positively to that because there are consequences.

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Supreme court's prorogation hearing - Summary of day one

The supreme court prorogation hearing will go on for three days. After day one, who’s winning? I have quoted a couple of commentators brave enough to express a view (see 2.18pm and 4.12pm) but, honestly, no one knows. That is not just because trying to assess how it’s going by following the interventions does not always work. (See 4.35pm) It is because the judges will assess the appeal to a large extent on the quality of the arguments in the paperwork, and most of that is not available to viewers, and did not get aired in court.

On the basis of what we did hear, Lord Keen, who was representing the government, was probably less compelling than his opponent, Lord Pannick. But for the supreme court to rule against the government – to side with the Scottish court of session against the English high court – would amount to a bold act of judicial assertiveness, effectively creating new law curtailing the power of the executive. It could happen, but it would not be normal.

Here are the main points from today’s hearing.

  • Lord Keen, who was representing the government, told the court that Boris Johnson would comply with any declaration it made. The fact that he felt the need to say this is evidence of the extent to which trust in the government to comply with constitutional norms is breaking down. As advocate general for Scotland, Keen is a member of the government, as well as a QC. He told the court:

If this court finds that the advice of the prime minister [to the Queen saying parliament should be prorogued] was unlawful, the prime minister will take all necessary steps to comply with any declaration made by the court.

But when asked if that meant parliament would definitely reconvene, Keen said it would be up to the PM to decide. He also refused to rule out the PM requesting a second prorogation, saying again that this would be a matter for Boris Johnson, or the “decision maker”, as he called him. And when asked if Johnson would allow parliament to meet and pass new emergency legislation if it wanted, in the event of the government losing, Keen replied:

It must be for the decision maker to consider the declaration made by the court and to ensure that he proceeds lawfully thereafter.

  • The court was told that Boris Johnson had abused his power to prorogue parliament more than any PM in the last 50 years. (See 10.50am.) Addressing the court on behalf on behalf of Gina Miller, Pannick said that the government had failed to explain why the prorogation needed to be so long. And he suggested that Johnson’s refusal to provide the court with a witness statement suggested he had not been telling the truth about his motives for prorogation.

Here is my colleague Owen Bowcott’s story about this morning’s proceedings.

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And this is from the barrister and legal commentator Adam Wagner.

Government seems behind after today’s hearing, based on interventions by justices. But wrong to assume that a judicial intervention indicates their view. Can just be testing arguments. Key also to see how they approach Sir James Eadie’s (for govt’s) submissions.

— Adam Wagner (@AdamWagner1) September 17, 2019

During the morning of today’s supreme court hearing, the live stream on the court’s website was accessed 4.4m times – with 2.8m stream requests being logged in the hour before the 1pm break for lunch, PA Media reports. Typically, the live streaming service is accessed about 20,000 times a month.

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The European commission has renewed its call for the UK to come up with proposals for an alternative to the backstop. This is what its spokeswoman, Mina Andreeva, told a briefing in Strasbourg earlier.

We are still waiting for concrete proposals from the UK side.

Both sides have stated that they want to have a deal. A no-deal Brexit is in nobody’s interests so clearly there is the willingness to arrive to a solution.

But, again, I think we have recalled that it’s now the UK’s responsibility to come forward with legally operational solutions that are compatible with the withdrawal agreement that are necessary in order to move the discussions forward.

Here is one view on the proceedings, from the lawyer and legal commentator Carl Gardner.

I haven't followed very closely today. I've had it on in the background. And predicting court judgments is a mug's game which is why I can't help playing it. But anyway, from what I have heard I reckon the Miller and Cherry legal huddles will be happier than the government's.

— Carl Gardner (@carlgardner) September 17, 2019

Keen is winding up now.

He says the Scottish judgment should be rejected. And, even if the supreme court endorses what it decides, he says the point about the prorogation currently being null and of no effect (see 2.32pm) should be struck out.

And he says he will discuss with Lord Pannick what form of words could be used in any written undertaking by the PM that he will abide by the court’s decision. (See 2.32pm.)

And that’s it. The hearing is over for today.

I will post a summary soon.

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Keen says the Scottish court was proceeding on the basis of a misunderstanding of how parliament operates.

Making the same point a few minutes ago, he said the Scottish judgment said parliament could reconvene itself at any time during an adjournment. But it cannot, Keen said. During an adjournment, parliament can only be recalled if the government asks for that, he said.

Keen quotes from the Scottish court judgment. He reads out this passage.

Although the planned prorogation would be 34 days, the expected conference recess of three weeks would mean that only one to three days would be lost in the week commencing 9 September and four in the week commencing 7 October.

That makes a total of seven days, Keen says.

But he says elsewhere in the judgment the Scottish court says the prorogation amounted to five weeks. He says the five weeks claim is wrong. This passage shows we are only talking about seven days, he says.

A judge asks why seven days were needed.

Keen does not answer the question directly. Why not seven days, he asks? He says there is no set number of days.

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Keen says he does not see how the Scottish court could produce an inference of improper motive on the basis of the evidence available to it.

A judge asks why the prorogation had to last for five weeks.

Keen says that was because it covered the party conference season. He says actually only seven sitting days are being lost.

He says the Scottish court, the inner house of the court of session, made a “fundamental misunderstanding” in assessing the significance of the length of prorogation.

Another judge asks about a Spectator article written by Nikki da Costa on 29 June. It was headlined: “Will parliament be able to stop the next PM leaving without a deal?” The article refers to prorogation as a “nuclear option”. He asks Keen if he is happy for this to be taken in to account.

Keen says, when she wrote the article, she was a private individual, not director of legislative affairs at No 10.

He says the court could look at all sorts of speculation. But it should consider the evidence submitted by the government, which explains the reasons for what happened, he says. (See 3.32pm.)

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Keen now quotes from what Boris Johnson said in response to what Nikki da Costa put to him in her memo. (See 3.32pm.) Johnson replied:

The whole September session is a rigmarole introduced to show the public that MPs were earning their crust. So I don’t see anything especially shocking about this proposition.

Keen says there was correspondence between the government and Gina Miller’s team about the production of documents for the court.

He says the government legal department sent a letter saying the documents it had submitted, contemporaneous documents sent to the PM, explained the thinking for prorogation.

In the letter, the government lawyers said they had nothing further to add.

He says the documents that were produced, quite exceptionally, included a cabinet minute.

He quotes from one of the documents – a memo from Nikki da Costa, director of legislative affairs, to the PM. He reads this out.

The current session is the longest since records began, and all bills announced as part of the last Queen’s speech have now received royal assent, or are paused awaiting carry over into the next session: this makes it increasingly difficult to fill parliamentary time with anything other than general debates. As a new prime minister, there is an expectation that you will set out a refreshed domestic programme and it would be natural to do so when the house returns in the autumn.

As the first week’s business in September has already been announced, I recommend dedicating the second to wash-up on bills such as R&R [restoration and renewals]. We would then prorogue sometime between the end of Monday 9th September and Thursday 12th September, allowing for the long-standing conference recess, and return on Monday 14th October with the state opening of parliament.

A judge asks if the reference to bills being carried over shows that prorogation was being considered at this point. The memo was dated 15 August.

Keen says that, at this point after such a long session, it would be normal to think of what is coming next.

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Keen is now addressing what the Scottish court of session said about Boris Johnson’s motives for prorogation.

(This might be the hardest issue for him to address. The government’s claim that it had nothing to do with limiting the opportunities available to MPs to block Brexit is not widely believed.)

Rather curiously, Lord Keen, for the government, couldn't answer the question from one of the justices, Lord Hodge, about how the government can comply with regular NI reports to Parliament if it has been forcibly closed. He says he’ll come back on that later.

— Dominic Casciani (@BBCDomC) September 17, 2019

Keen refers to what Lord Carloway, the lord president of the court of session in Scotland, said in his judgment (pdf) about prorogation. Carloway said “decisions which are made on the basis of legitimate political considerations alone are not justiciable”.

But that raises the questions as to what political considerations are not legitimate, Keen says. He says the Scottish court did not answer this.

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