Captain of the first rank Artur Meçollari shows the "bomb" that will explode very soon from SPAK for property affairs in the army, endangering more than 30 people from the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff of the FA, the Navy, the Presidency, the ...

Captain of the first rank Artur Meçollari shows the "bomb" that

The scandals of Klodian Allajbeu have no end, here is the decision with two standards to protect the American Hospital where 4 patients died, how they tried to hide the event and the role of the judge who is accused of being bought by Sali Berisha

The scandals of Klodian Allajbeu have no end, here is the decision with two

Daut Gumeni recounts details from the "black" file of 1997 that bears the name of Sali Berisha: Here is the promise that the "architect" of the stolen elections made at that time, the role of SHIK and why SPAK is allowing him to campaign at night from ...

Daut Gumeni recounts details from the "black" file of 1997 that bears

Artan Hoxha reveals shocking secrets about the murder of Remzi Hoxha, why his body disappeared without a trace, his connections with Sali Berisha and how the key person who could open "Pandora's Box" escaped to Britain

Artan Hoxha reveals shocking secrets about the murder of Remzi Hoxha, why his

Here's what's happening with the "January 21" file, the reason why SPAK has not yet started the investigations that will lead Sali Berisha and the chain of command of the Guard that ordered the killing of 4 protesters to prison

Here's what's happening with the "January 21" file, the

Spartak Ngjela unmasks Arben Ahmetaj, here is what is hidden behind his appearance on the cameras of Italian journalists and why the former deputy prime minister's statement that he saw mobsters entering Edi Rama's office is rejected

Spartak Ngjela unmasks Arben Ahmetaj, here is what is hidden behind his

Arben Ahmetaj as Tomaso Busheta of the Albanian government, this is how money from intelligence services like "pentito" has been broken down in exchange for staying in Switzerland, names, bank accounts and voluminous files have been made available

Arben Ahmetaj as Tomaso Busheta of the Albanian government, this is how money

Klodian Allajbeu's hemodialysis concession costing 3.3 million euros to the state, this is how he violated the terms of the contract, the full report reveals

Klodian Allajbeu's hemodialysis concession costing 3.3 million euros to the


Russia threatens Moldova: You will suffer the same as Ukraine, we give everything to protect the Russian-speaking population

Russia threatens Moldova: You will suffer the same as Ukraine, we give

The Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, warned Moldova yesterday that it may suffer the fate of Ukraine if the conflict in Tiraspol is not resolved through direct dialogue. The head of Russian diplomacy claims that official Chisinau "does not want a direct dialogue with Tiraspol" and "supports a non-diplomatic solution to the conflict". Lavrov also promised that "he will do everything to protect the Russian-speaking population of Moldova and Transnistria." "Let's not forget that in Moldova, in addition to Transnistria, there is also Gagauzia, which also requires a special status," declared Lavrov. "I believe that the Moldovan authorities will act correctly, if they give up the geopolitical games imposed by the West and think about the interests of the citizens, who are currently living safely", declared Lavrov. At the same time, the president of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, said once again that official Chisinau wants to resolve the conflict in Transnistria, the pro-Russian separatist region "peacefully" and vowed to go to Gagauzia to talk from close to the people protesting there. On the other hand, the head of Russian diplomacy declared that European politicians who want to limit the granting of visas to Russians are pathetic. He emphasized in his statement that Moscow will not be isolated. "I think EU citizens should not be penalized in response to the bloc's steps to ease visas for Russians," Lavrov said. EU foreign ministers reached political consensus to completely suspend the visa facilitation agreement between the European Union and Russia.